Town of Jerusalem E/One All-Terrain Sewer – Keuka Lake, New York
A Septic-To-Sewer Conversion Project In The Finger Lakes Region of New York
Replacing Failing Septic Tanks In The Finger Lakes of New York

The Finger Lakes, located in western New York, were formed by the glacial carving of stream valleys 2 million years ago. The result is terrain that consists of steep slopes and lots
of rock that is difficult to excavate.
The Town of Jerusalem recognized that septic systems were problematic in their lake setting and required inspections every five years. If a septic system was determined to have failed inspection, corrections were required, which often included the installation of a new septic system at a cost of $20,000 to $30,000. In many instances, there was not enough room to install a new septic system. The town knew that a central sewer system was needed despite their challenging site conditions:
- Homes are lakeside on small lots and often sited well below grade of the road (some 25 and 50 feet); pumping uphill meant high head conditions
- The small lots meant that little space was available for septic tank leach fields; a high water table and ineffective subsurface drainage compounded the problem
- Septic tanks were leaking into the lake, polluting the water and causing algae blooms
A gravity sewer system was estimated to cost $6 million.
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Thinking Globally and Acting Locally to Preserve a Natural Wonder — Septic tank replacement project used pressure sewer and E/One grinder pumps around Keuka Lake in New York’s Finger Lakes region. Modern Pumping Today